Women's T-Shirts with Attitude- Flirty Diva Tees Giveaway
>> Friday, July 2, 2010

Women's Funniest T-Shirts
Funny Mom T Shirts
Women's Flirt Tees
Women's Cougar T-shirts
Flirty Diva Tees.com has really fun t-shirts for women. They have all kinds of t-shirts- flirty, funny, maternity, environmental and even breast cancer walks funny boob t-shirts!
You may be wondering what sets them apart (besides their great t-shirt slogans). Well, I'll tell you! Flirty Diva Tees start with soft, sexy, classy feminine fitting high quality earth friendly t-shirts that are 100% cotton. Flirty Diva Tees are also organically dyed. The images on their shirts are guaranteed not to fade, crack, wear-out or fall off!

I chose to try a Flirty Diva Tee from their Womens Environmental Tees, Green T Shirts, Nature t shirts Line- "Global Warming is So Uncool." I love the play on words. Global warming IS so uncool and by wearing this t-shirt I hope to inspire people to think about global warming and what they can do. Even just a little bit! I chose the soft style fitted option but they also have a less fitted option if you prefer. I really love the feminine fit. It feels soft and washes very well.
Flirty Diva Tees will provide one winner with one black Flirty Diva Tee with their choice of saying.
Giveaway Dates: July 2- July 19, 2010 Midnight CST
How To Enter:
To enter this Giveaway, you need to do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase but only the #1 entry is required.
1. Required: Visit Flirty Diva Tees and select your favorite saying
2. Follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog in right margin w/ Google Friend Connect or RSS
3. Like the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog Facebook page in right margin
4. Like the Flirty Diva Tee Facebook page
5. Follow MWYT on Twitter and Flirty Diva Tees on Twitter
6. Tweet about this Giveaway:
Enter to #win Flirty Diva Tee Giveaway http://www.momswearyourtees.blogspot.com @MWYT @flirtydivatees
7. Follow Flirty Diva Tees Blog
8. Blog about this giveaway and include a link, leave web address I can visit (+2)
Giveaway Rules:
Open to residents of USA and Canada, age 18+ to enter. Winner selected through random.org GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. Congratulations to Kelly.
Flirty Diva Tees did provide me with a t-shirt in the hopes that I would share my honest opinions. I received no monetary compensation and the opinions expressed are my own.

My favorite saying is the Blessed Mom Tee.
linzendrsn at yahoo dot com
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linzendrsn at yahoo dot com
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linzendrsn at yahoo dot com
I voted for your blog.
linzendrsn at yahoo dot com
I follow you and Flirty Diva Tees on twitter as 4HSGLRY
linzendrsn at yahoo dot com
tweeted this at: http://twitter.com/4HSGLRY/status/17598983085
linzendrsn at yahoo dot com
I follow flirty diva tees blog.
linzendrsn at yahoo dot com
blessed mom or knocked down tee mrs.mommyyatgmail
I like the It's easy being green.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I like the "Busted" shirt. Ideally I would like a custom shirt with WENCH on it.
My favorite saying is Well La De Frickin' Da.
I follow on gfc.
I love the You Can't Scare Me...I Have Kids saying, so true!
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the Behaving Badly saying!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I'd go with "OH HELL NO!"
My favorite is Tree Hugger.
I follow you with GFC!
I like you on Facebook! (Heather S.)
I follow you both on twitter! (@hell_0kitty)
My favorite is the I am not like you tee.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/5memb/status/17752123545
monster6236 at gmail dot com
I love the "Green, it's not just a color" tee and the "Tree Hugger" shirt you featured.
believe tee! joleehamlin at comcast dot net
gfc follower joleehamlin at comcast dot net
"You can't scare me.
I have kids" is just the PERFECT tee for me! Both my boys are skaters and BMX daredevils! No one can scare me like them!!!!
tehbestforyoubook at gmail dot com
I also became a fan of Flirty Diva Tees on Facebook!
thebestforyoubook at gmail dot com
I now am a fan of your page too!
thebestforyoubook at gamil dot com
Thanks for the chance.
I like the one that says "complicated."
Nice giveaway, thanks.
i like a thankful mom tee
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
voted top mommy blog
I like the "If your not first your last" t!
I like the Love the Earth tee
I follow on GFC
I Follow MWYT on Twitter and Flirty Diva Tees on Twitter (ohstac)
My favorite is the Women's Oh Hell No Funny Flirty T Shirt
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
My favorite is ALL of the Mom shirts. I especially like the "Mommies are people too" and "Mominator" Very cool!
I will most definitely have to get the "I think I think too much" one!
tfclark at waterwaif dot com
I already follow your blog.
I am now following Flirty Diva Tees' blog.
What fun tee's! My favorite is "Motherhood is not for Wimps".
I"m following your blog now!
I "liked" FlirtyDivaTees on facebook!
I posted this giveaway on my blog. Here's the link:
Posted Giveaways on my Freebies Page and my newest post on my front page
I like the You Can't Scare Me...I Have Kids
Mom T-Shirt
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
follow via google
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
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jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
follow both on twitter @jenyasha
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/jenyasha/status/18068142964
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
Follow Flirty Diva Tees Blog
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
i like the Cougar in Training saying
I like the Blessed - Mom T-Shirt. Thanks for the chance!
Kelly D. - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you on google friend connect. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I "like" you on facebook. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I "like" Flirty Diva Tee on facebook. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you both on twitter. (@dkad23)
Kelly D. - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow the Flirty Diva Tees Blog on google friend connect. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
Tweet. (dkad23)
Kelly D. - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I like the cougar in training LOL
Ravish30 at aol dot com
blog follower
Ravish30 at aol dot com
fan of yours on FB
Ravish30 at aol dot com
ravish30 at aol dot com
My favorite is the I Believe In Angels T-Shirt For Moms
Follower of Moms Wear Your Tees Blog w/ Google Friend Connect
Like the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog Facebook
username is cheryl hodgkins
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username is cheryl hodgkins
Follower of MWYT on Twitter and Flirty Diva Tees on Twitter
username is iamcherdon
Follow Flirty Diva Tees Blog
username is cherdon
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username is cheryl hodgkins
I advised you of a broken link on your blog and in return you generously gave me 2 extra entries.
Thanks so much
entry #1
I advised you of a broken link on your blog and in return you generously gave me 2 extra entries.
Thanks so much
entry #2
I like, Oh Hell No.
my favorite saying is the You Can't Scare Me...I Have Kids saying
i follow you with gfc
i like you on facebook
angela m
Liked the Flirty Diva Tee Facebook page
i Follow MWYT on Twitter and Flirty Diva Tees on Twitter
i Follow Flirty Diva Tees Blog
I like Be The Change You Wish To See In The World-Gandhi size medium
My favourite shirt is the saying 'Totally Adrift'!
I'm a public follower of this blog!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
I like the Totally Adrift tee.
I love "Well La De Frickin' Da." That is just perfect for me, LOL!
Following both on Twitter @KKimmel
Following on Google Friend Connect
I voted for your blog! =)
I'm following the Flirty Diva Tees Blog. (Krista)
I love the Note to self :be true- Honesty T-Shirt
I love the Mom T-Shirt -Blessed Mom Tee!
I follow your blog via GFC.
I like Moms Wear Your Tees Blog FB page
I like the Flirty Diva Tee Facebook page
Tweet: http://twitter.com/eveningstarr1/status/18797239837
I follow MWYT on Twitter and Flirty Diva Tees on Twitter (eveningstarr1)
I follow Flirty Diva Tees Blog via GFC.
I like the Blessed | Mom T-Shirt.
macd9900 at gmail dot com
I like the Meditation t-shirt for women.
I follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog w/ Google Friend Connect.
I liked High Maintenance But SO Worth It Women's Tee. wgbc1446@yahoo.com
I really like the Easily Excited T-Shirt.
I follow you on Twitter- ksh123
I like the You Can't Scare Me...I Have Kids Mom T-Shirt.
My favorite is the Women's Oh Hell No Funny Flirty T Shirt
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I "Like" Flirty Diva Tees on Facebook
(Facebook name: Reggie Mann)
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect as ReggieMann
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow via Google Friend Connect!
Oh I love two of these so much! I like the California Cougar because I'm moving from CA to AZ to be with my younger boyfriend. Though we're only 2 year apart in age we get the cougar comments CONSTANTLY! I also love the Sweet Midwestern Girl tee since I grew up in the midwest.
I voted for you as a Top Mommy Blog!
I follow you both on Twitter as EFandFrugal
Tweet! http://twitter.com/EFandFrugal/status/18878688213
I follow FDT's Blog!
I follow Flirty Diva Tees on FB as Eco Frugal as well!
I follow you on FB as Eco Frugal!
My favorite saying is I Have Issues T-shirt
I've GOTTA have this one!
When I Die The Cat Gets Everything|T-Shirt For Ladies
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I like Flirty Diva on Facebook
Carol Anderson Ezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I like you on Facebook
Carol Anderson Ezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow you and Flirty Diva Tees on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow Flirty Divas Tees publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I tweeted
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I like "I'm kinda a big deal!"
Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
Blog follower publicly via Google Friend Connect, my ID: prpldy.
prpldy@comcast dot net
I love the saying "If I Don't Remember Then It Didn't Happen"
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
A Jersey Girl Knows How To Have Fun Girl T-Shirt would be awesome for my niece
Stillness is the Best Revelation
bevwhip at yahoo dot com
I like the Well La De Frickin' Da Women's Flirty Word T shirt ... tiffypoot@aol.com
Like the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog Facebook page ... tiffypoot@aol.com
Like the Flirty Diva Tee Facebook page ... tiffypoot@aol.com
I subscribe by RSS in my feed reader - FeedDemon tiffypoot@aol.com
http://twitter.com/tiffypixie/status/18931580329 ...Tweet (tiffypixie) tiffypoot@aol.com
Follow MWYT on Twitter and Flirty Diva Tees on Twitter ... tiffypoot@aol.com
I love the Eye Candy Women's Sexy Hot Tee, thanks!
My favorite is You Can't Scare Me...I Have Kids.
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
follow MWYT and flirty diva tees on twitter @fce431
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
I love women´s tee saying TRAGIC
sign me up, I'd would love a shirt that would make me feel good thanks
I follow Moms Wear Your Tees blog with Google Friend Connect. garrettsambo@aol.com
You Can't Scare Me...I Have Kids
Mom T-Shirt
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