Aquasana Drinking Water Filter Giveaway
>> Thursday, September 16, 2010
I am sure you all know I am a fan of filtered water since I am big on taking care of our bodies and the earth. The fact is I can hardly believe that people are still consuming bottled water except as an occasional convenience. However, each day in America over 60 million plastic bottles are produced, filled, transported and disposed of in U.S. landfills from bottled water use.
As the most logical, convenient and economical solution for high-quality water, water filters offer many benefits over tap water and bottled water:
* Home water filtration offers higher quality water than bottled water. Unlike bottled water, home water filters are required to document the purity of the water they produce. The FDA laws on bottled water only require it to be as good as tap, not better.
* Home water filters offer the convenience of tap of tap water. You can have purified drinking water straight from the tap for drinking, preparation of beverages and cooking.
* Drinking water filters save money. For less than 10 cents a gallon you can have great-tasting, healthy, chemical-free water for drinking. Aquasana is the #1 rated home water filtration system in America! Aquasana makes it their mission to "design and to produce the very healthiest, best tasting water available anywhere!" Aquasana's patented dual cartridge drinking water filter installs in seconds on standard kitchen faucets and provides up to 30 gallons an hour of ultra-filtered, high-quality water for drinking, cooking and preparing beverages. Includes filter housing, chrome faucet diverter, twin filter cartridge set (lasts 6 months/filters 500 gallons), and easy-to-follow instructions. Replacement filters cost $48.00 every 6 months/500 gallons, that's less than 10¢ a gallon/$8.00 a month for a virtually unlimited supply of healthy water.
Aquasana's exclusive "Selective Filtration" process uses a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub micron filtration to produce truly healthy, great-tasting water conveniently from your kitchen tap. Filters out chlorine, lead, prescription drugs, pharmaceuticals, VOCs, THMs, MTBE and cysts (chlorine-resistant parasites) and leaves in the natural trace minerals!GIVEAWAY DETAILS:
Aquasana is generously providing one Countertop Water Filter Unit Model # AQ-4000 to one lucky reader. Home water filters are a healthier, more economical and more eco-friendly way to ensure great water quality for your home.The Aquasana Countertop Water Filter has been voted Consumers Digest Best Buy 6 years in a row and is valued at $124.99
Giveaway Dates: September 16- October 4, 2010 Midnight CST
How To Enter:
To enter this Giveaway, you need to do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase but only the #1 entry is required.
1. Required: Visit Aquasana and tell me something you learned
2. Follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog in right margin w/ Google Friend Connect or subscribe to RSS feed
3. Like the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog Facebook page in right margin
4. Like the Aquasana Facebook page
5. Tweet and leave URL: Enter to #win Aquasana Drinking Water Filter GIVEAWAY ($125 value) @MWYT @aquasana
Giveaway Rules:
GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. Winner selected through #215, Ardy22.
The official Aquasana Facebook page is
It is amazing how much more efficient this filter is than a Brita water pitcher.
I follow on GFC.
cheaper to use than brita filters and more efficient
I learned The FDA laws on bottled water only require it to be as good as tap, not better. And the FDA regulations only apply if the water is transported across a state line. Most bottled water is bottled and sold in the same state in order to avoid regulation.
I learned that for less than 10 cents a gallon you can have great-tasting, healthy, chemical-free water!! That is amazing
kelseylouiseapley at gmail dot com
I learned that people with athsma should use shower filters. Good to know, since I have asthma.
Filtered water is much better for you than bottled water and also better for the environment!
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I learned:
With the realization that more than double the levels of chlorine and other synthetic chemicals (SOCs/VOCs) enter our body through skin absorption and inhalation of steam while showering than from drinking water, the need and benefits of shower filtration have become very obvious. Shower filtration is one of the best and easiest ways to reduce our harmful exposure to chlorine and other tap water contaminants.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I had no idea that showering could affect those with asthma. I always assumed that the hot, steamy atmosphere would be a plus. Now I know I should have a filter for the shower.
I learned that they have a filter you can put on your showerhead. I wonder if my hair would enjoy that.
bringhamsweeps (at) yahoo *dot* com
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my daughter has asthma I just didnt know. I am a facebook fan and would love this
I visited the Aquasana webite and for the first time learned about whole house filters.... maybe that is a good idea.. I had already been concerned about drinking water and showers but I had not considered this idea as I did not know it was an option.
yummy and good for you
very cool thing to use
I like the whole house filter and the shower filter with hanheld wand.
I learned that small children and the elderly are more affected by contaminants in water because of a "reduced capacity to deal with toxins and an under-developed or less tolerant immune system"
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I need filters throughout the whole house not just the water
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I didn't know that skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, dandruff and chronic dryness are all heavily effected by the moisture content of the skin. Showering and bathing in chlorinated tap water robs skin and hair of their natural protective oils, causing scaling, itching and bacteria imbalances.
I definitely would love to win this :)
I learned that Point Of Use systems are by far the best way to ensure the highest quality water since many water-borne contaminants come from the plumbing in your house, especially lead and vinyl chloride from the piping.
I learned they are part of this cool "water for life " program that ships replacement filters etc. right to your door as a subscription so you're never left wondering how long it was since your replaced the filter!
hmcnaron at gmail (dot)com
Our energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water we drink. It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in the average person... a 15% drop in body fluids causes death! I didn't know that.
tiramisu392 (at)
I learned that Aquasana is Latin for "water to heal" and their products were designed with this concept in mind.
I learned that The FDA laws on bottled water only require it to be as good as tap, not better.
Bottled water only need be as good as tap water, as far as FDA laws.
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I learned that Aquasana is Latin for "water to heal". I love that!
I learned that Aquasana is Latin for "water to heal"!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
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i learned that morning sickness is a direct result of dehydration. heatheranya at hotmail dot com
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
I learned that in many states, including CA, WI, MA, IA, TX, FL & NY, it is unlawful to make uncertified claims for home water filters, but not always enforced.
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I learned bottle water can just be tap water
Water is the key ingredient to keep your skin moist, supple and resilient. The best way to moisturize is from the inside, drink lots of water.
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I learned bottled water may not be any better than tap water.
FDA regulations only apply if the water is transported across a state line
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and I like the fact that aquasana sells water bottles, that way u can take ur fresh water with you
The FDA laws on bottled water only require it to be as good as tap, not better. What a joke!
Tweet kekagel(at)
Followed you on GFC,shared link,liked Aquasana on my Facebook and voted for you.
I like how Aquasana also has filters for their shower. Great if you have hard water or lots of chlorine.
Filters out chlorine,lead,prescrition drugs,pharmaceuticals,cysts.
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Really??? The FDA only requires bottled water to be as good as tap?! Interestig
Increasing water intake naturally speeds up metabolism and allows the body to better assimilate nutrients from the foods and nutritional supplements we consume, the result being natural and healthy weight loss.
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I learned that their filters provide healthy water for you and your family. They take contaminants out and leave minerals in for clean, delicious water.
I learned that they estimate that the cost of using this system works out to about $.10/gallon, or $8/month, which is definitely cheaper than bottled water.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I learned that unlike bottled water home water filters are required to document the purity of the water they produce.
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
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I learned they take contaminants out and leave minerals in for clean, delicious water.
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Omphhh. I was just reading on the Aquasana website about the chlorine byproducts and chlorine in the water we drink in which the National Cancer Institute estimates that those who drink water are 93% more likely to be associated to or with cancer risks. Yikes! I'd love to win this filter to cut down on mine and my family's chlorine consumption.
I learned that in many states, including CA, WI, MA, IA, TX, FL & NY, it is unlawful to make uncertified claims for home water filters, but not always enforced. Thanks.
I was curious about the shower filters, and I learned that the chlorine in most tap water can cause and/or perpetuate many skin disorders!
I learned they have shower filters. My skin could sure use one.
I was the 251st like-r on the Aquasana FB page.
I learned that "Unless the water is transported across state lines, there are no federal regulations that govern its quality!"
Following MWYT on GFC as Terri B
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I learned that bottled water is no better, and sometimes worse, than tap water, but i am on well water, so I REALLY need your filter
Tweet keakgel(at)
I learned that Aquasana also has shower filters including one that I would like to have, the
Shower Filter with Handheld Wand.
I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)
Wow, this looks much better than my broken Brita! And definitely much cheaper than bottled water!
Wow glass water bottles are so smart I hate the taste of plastic ones, they are bad for me, and bad for the environment. I want one of their glass water bottles!
I learned that they also sell whole-house water filters.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
At home we all have asthma, such a difficult disease to live with, specially when you have kids. Its a relieve to know that with this filter asthma can be controled.
I would like to win.
I learned that Aquasana is Latin for "water to heal"
gsyed1120 at gmail dot com
I visited the website and I learned, that chlorine "significant increases in certain types of cancer, asthma and skin irritations..."
anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com
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I had no idea there was a connection between water and asthma, and I didn't know shower water could be filtered. Interesting!
sunshine4342 at juno dot com
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I learned that Aquasana is Latin for "water to heal"
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I learned that Aquasana is Latin for "water to heal", Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
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I learned filtered water is better the bottled water and it also safes the enviroment by reducing plastic waste... awesome product
mausekindmom @ verizon .net
I learned that they have shower water filters! I never heard of such a thing. I feel silly, but I never thought about it, but wouldn't one be great.
I learned that doctors are now advising patients with asthma to get a shower filter due to chlorine in water.
iclipcoupons at gmail dot com
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FB ID april yedinak
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I learned that
Aquasana Water Filters, are the highest rated home water filter products in America.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
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winit6 at hotmail dot com
I learned they also have shower filters.
ewhatley at embarqmail dot com
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I learned that it is cheaper to use than 10 cents a gallon.
diane Baum
Hmm - I learned that more than double the levels of chlorine and other synthetic chemicals (SOCs/VOCs) enter our body through skin absorption and inhalation of steam while showering than from drinking water
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I never thought about filtering shower water. Makes sense! Great contest!
bonafideliberal at gmail dot com
GFC follower!
I learned that in many states, it is unlawful to make uncertified claims for home water filters, but it is not always enforced!
I learned that Aquasana filters better than a filter like Brita.
m17909 (at)
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I learned that Aquasana also sells Whole House Filters and filters for the Shower.
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I am a fan of Aquasana via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
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I learned that Eczema & Other Skin Disorders can be heavily affected by the quality of the water that you use. These filter help enusre harmful chemicals are not getting to you skin.
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I learned that in the last decade, asthma rates have increased over 100% in adults, over 300% for children!
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
I learned that 'Children ingest three times as much water per pound of body weight than adults do'
The water from the filter is free of contaminants.
Our energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water we drink. It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in the average person... a 15% drop in body fluids causes death! I didn't know that.
judychrz at
i learned they sell filters for your shower too
I was surprised to learn that back pain can be caused by a deficiency in body fluid levels. Good to know!
I learned that they have shower filters!
Email address is in blogger profile
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anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com
I learned that they also have shower filters and whole-house filters, which is very cool.
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
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beckytag618 at gmail dot com
If you have asthma you should use a shower filter... who knew?!
I learned that Bottled water, on the other hand, is virtually unregulated. The FDA laws on bottled water only require it to be as good as tap, not better. And the FDA regulations only apply if the water is transported across a state line. Most bottled water is bottled and sold in the same state in order to avoid regulation.
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that it is better than pur
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tiffanby b pettey
The FDA laws on bottled water only require it to be as good as tap water, not better.
I learned that they have a whole house water filter system.
Aquasana's Water For Life program ships replacement filters automatically, discounts the price, and provides a lifetime warranty on the product.
I learned that Aquasana is both less expensive and more efficient than Brita Water Filter.
(I was also intrigued to learn that people with asthma - like me - should use a filter on their SHOWER! I'd never even heard of such a thing!
I am a Public Follower via GFC
Thanks for the giveaway...Aquasana's Water For Life Program provides Fresh cartridges delivered every 6 months & a 20% discount and FREE shipping.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Like the Aquasana Facebook page: Bryan Eason
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I learned that their name is in latin and means water to heal!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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