Organic Whole Golden Flaxseed from Tropical Traditions Review and Giveaway
>> Monday, May 24, 2010
I wanted to do this review and host this giveaway because I think a lot of people have never even heard of flaxseed and yet it is so good for you and so easy to add to your diet. Study after study confirms that the oil- (Omega 3) and fiber components of flaxseed have wonderful health benefits. I would recommend flax seed to anyone but it is especially good for children since 75% of brain development occurs in the 1st few years of life and Omega-3s are known to be particularly crucial constituents of the outer membrane of brain cells. Omega-3 fatty acids provide many benefits, including improving learning and memory and helping to fight against depression, mood disorders, and dementia, according to Gómez-Pinilla, a member of UCLA's Brain Research Institute and Brain Injury Research Center.
I don't want to spend too much time laboring benefits of omega-3s to your health and brain but if you want to learn more just type "omega-3s" into a search engine and you will see how much research exists. So anyhow, I have always been familiar with flax seed as my mom used it fairly often. My mom told me that golden flax seed is best and I checked it out and she is right in that it has the highest omega-3 levels.
I started purchasing it and using it on my own when I became pregnant with my first child. Being a mother suddenly made me more conscious of my food choices! The best way to use flax seed is freshly ground. I use a coffee grinder and I put the ground organic whole golden flaxseed on top of a bowl of oatmeal with a little brown sugar and milk. We all love it that way! I also grind it and throw a couple tablespoons into our pancake batter, cookie batter, and almost anything I bake. It really has a mild taste and can be tossed into anything. Sometimes if I am feeling particularly lazy, I just throw it into recipes whole.GIVEAWAY DETAILS:
Tropical Traditions is going to provide one lucky reader with a one pound bag of Organic Whole Golden Flaxseed.
Giveaway Dates: May 24- June 7, 2010
How to Enter:
To enter this Giveaway, you need to do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took (each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase.)Only the #1 entry is required.
1. Required: Visit Tropical Traditions and leave a comment with another product you would like to try
2. Follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog in right margin w/ Google Friend Connect
3. Subscribe to Moms Wear Your Tees with the RSS button in the right margin
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5. Follow MWYT on Twitter and Troptraditions on Twitter
6. Tweet or Retweet about this Giveaway:
Enter to win Organic Golden Flaxseed Tropical Traditions Giveaway @MWYT @troptraditions #giveaway
7. Place my blog button on your blog or website and leave web address I can visit (+2)
8. Blog about this giveaway and include a link, leave web address I can visit (+2)
Giveaway Rules:
Open to residents of USA and Canada, age 18+ to enter. GIVEAWAY CLOSED NOW! Congratulations matt4melis!
Tropical Traditions did provide me with the organic golden whole flaxseed in the hopes that I would share my honest opinions. I received no monetary compensation and the opinions expressed are my own.
This is a wonderful post and giveaway! You are so right about not enough people being aware of the benefits of Omega 3 for the brain.
Thanks for your part in creating further awareness!
Enjoy the day!
Following you from MBC @ Google Friends Connect. Pls. follow me back when you get the chance :
We've been doing this too for a don't even notice but so much better!!!
Another Tropical Traditions product that I would love to try is their Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. jgs0925 at gmail dot com
I would love to try the virgin coconut oil ~ :) Thanks!
I'd like to try the Tropical Traditions Coconut Peanut Butter.
gfc follower
I'd like to try Tropical Traditions Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
Lots of good choices; I'd like to try their coconut peanut butter which is genius! Also like to try their cooconut oils...They have many products suitable for diabetics like myself! I've never tried a flaxseed.
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I follow tropical traditions fine company on twitter. Hope to try them out!
Yah! I voted on your blog on the top mommy blogs button. I have one of those but I don't think anyone's ever voted yet.
I would like to get the Juic Lady book so I can learn about juices.
I would like to try the Buckwheat Buttermilk Pancake Mix.
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I would like to try their oxygen bleach
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tweet Enter to win Organic Golden Flaxseed Tropical Traditions Giveaway @MWYT @troptraditions #giveaway
They have a lot of amazing foods, I would actually like to try some of their sea vegetables!
I would love to try the coconut oil. I won it in a blog but never received it:(
I'd like to try the Buckwheat Buttermilk Pancake Mix
A traditional, hearty pancake!
I would like to try the Arnica Moisturizing Cream. Anything good for the skin I love.
I want to try their coconut oil - so many uses
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
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june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
I love flaxseed and use it on every meal I make I love it on veggies and meats
I would also like to try the organic massage oils!
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I would like to try many of the Tropical Traditions things, but I will choose their Coconut Peanut Butter. I ordered Organic Palm oil a few days ago and just received that too.
would like to try their Raw Honey.
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Hello, i'd like to try the coconut oil. :)
I'd like to try the Lavender Moisturizing Cream.
I follow MWYT and Troptraditions on Twitter @mgoss123.
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I'd also like to try the coconut pb!
Love to try the organic chocolate (who wouldn't?? :-) ) joleehamlin @ comcast dot net
gfc subscriber joleehamlin @ comcast dot net
Love to try Coconut Peanut Butter! Thanks for the giveaway!
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I voted for you!
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I would love to try the organic raw honey!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I would like to try their organic coconut chips.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I want to try the coconut cream concentrate
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just tweeted from @happydaydeadfis
I am interested in this product: Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil
I'd love to try the shampoo bar
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Voted for your blog as a top mommy blog
matt4melis at hotmail dot com
Organic Apple Sauce.
I would have to try the organic dark chocolate.
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Grass-fed Bison
Raw Meat Pet Treats would be cool to try for my fur babies!
one 4 earth at aol dot com
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I voted for you! Good luck!
one 4 earth at aol dot com
I would like to try their Organic Fusilli Pasta!
Organic Spaghetti Sauce - Unsalted would be great to try as I have a horrible time finding unsalted anything!
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I would love to try their Organic Coconut Peanut Butter!
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I also wanna try the organic baked beans.
lavender moisterizing cream ty.
Love to try Heirloom Rice
I would like to try the Organic Liquid Soaps
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
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Carol Anderson Ezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I would love to try the Virgin Coconut Oil Hair Treatement!
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I'd like to try the Coconut Cream Concentrate. Thanks.
I would like to try the Bhutanese Red Rice.
The Organic Coconut Flour looks very nice!
I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs.
I'd also like to try the Rapunzel Organic Swiss Chocolate
Put more flaxseed in your diet to offset depression, mood disorders, and dementia / Gómez-Pinilla, a member of UCLA's Brain Research Institute and Brain Injury Research Center.
metu18 AT hotmail DOT com
coconut oil!
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