Monkey Monkey Music, "What are the odds?" CD Review and Giveaway
>> Monday, August 16, 2010
My kids love music so they were excited to receive the Monkey Monkey Music with Meredith LeVande, "What are the Odds?" CD in the mail. They totally love it! Especially my three year old son. He dances nonstop. Monkey Monkey Kids Music CD is very upbeat and inspires clapping, jumping, and shaking of all kinds!
This is the first time I have ever added a video clip of my own to the blog but I decided to do it so you can see how much my son loves the music. It really makes him dance and laugh!
You can also get a better feel for the music by watching this fun video from the Monkey Monkey Music Website. Leo wanted to watch this three times in a row and then he went around singing it afterwards!
Meredith LeVande focuses on “putting the child back into children’s music” and she succeeds 100%. Anything that makes my kids happy makes me happy so I love Monkey Monkey Music! Meredith’s music is not only child-friendly, it’s truly child appropriate, developed with the healthy growth of the young child in mind.
"What Are the Odds?" CD will be released on August 31.GIVEAWAY DETAILS:
One winner will receive one copy of Monkey Monkey Music CD, What Are the Odds? fun kids music CD.
Giveaway Dates: August 16- September 7, 2010
How to Enter:
To enter this Giveaway, you need to do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase but only the #1 entry is required.
1. Required: Visit Monkey Monkey Music and let me know something you enjoyed or learned
2. Follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog in right margin w/ Google Friend Connect or subscribe to RSS feed and leave a comment letting me know you did so
3. Like the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog Facebook page in right margin
Giveaway Rules:
GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! Winner selected through #6 jencardenas.
Monkey Monkey Music did provide me with the CD in the hopes that I would share my honest opinions. I received no monetary compensation and the opinions expressed are my own and those of my children.
I learned they have links to games you can play online
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I like the games.
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I learned that the kids can play online ....Tiffypoot @ ( - I tweeted - Tiffypoot @ (
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I LIKE you on facebook tiffypixie
i love that they were voted one of the most affordable childrens performers! that is really awesome!
we follow you in GFC!
we are FB fans of MWYT
I learned that you can have them perform at a party/event in the NYC area! I'll have to let my sister out there know....
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
I liked that they have a website that is actually kid friendly - my child can get on there and look around, look at videos, play a few games hear some music (she loved it) very fun! And the music is actually for kids - not for the parents - very nice.
I saw they are on demand--but not on Insight--my cable company. :(
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I learned that she does some great parties! joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
follow on gfc. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
"Like" on fb. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
I enjoyed the "jump high" music video on the website
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
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jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
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jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com
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I liked the sample of the song Shake it Loud on the What are the Odds CD.
I like you on Facebook
Chelsei Ryan
I follow via GFC.
I voted for you.
It's fun that they offer games too!
missmich911 at aol dot com
I like htat the website says it is putting the child back in children;s music! I love that (oh and my kids think it is fun music and that the games on the site a really fun!)
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com
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beckeesdeals at gmail dot com
I learned that they play live shows!
I voted for you!
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