SprigToys is the first giveaway sponsor for our Celebrate Earth Day All Week 2010 Blogging Event
>> Sunday, April 18, 2010

I am very excited to be a part of the hosting of Celebrate Earth Day All Week 2010 Blogging Event. I also very excited that we had sponsors who wanted to help make the event fun and help people go green by offering some items for giveaways.
Spring Toys has very generously offered two awesome prizes to Celebrate Earth Day All Week 2010 Blogging Event. Sprig Toys are all about kid-powered toys, battery-free toys, eco-friendly toys, paint-free toys, green toys, recyled materials, and imaginitive play. I love their motto, "Where play comes naturally"!
There will be two lucky winners chosen!
One winner will be awarded the award winning Dolphin Explorer Boat which is great for the bathtub, beach, and pool.

Playset Includes:
2 boats - Explorer Boat and Rescue Boat
1 Life Preserver
2 Dolphins - Mother and Baby
1 Adventure Guide - Captain Owen
1 Adventure Hat - Interchangeable!
1 Backpack Accessory
The second winner will be awarded the Dino Adventure Rig.

Playset Includes:
1 Adventure Truck
2 Dinosaurs - Mother and Baby
1 Adventure Guide - Rex Jungle
1 Adventure Hat - Interchangeable!
1 Backpack Accessory
Giveaway Dates: April 18- April 24, 2010 Midnight CST
How to Enter:
To enter this Giveaway, you need to do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took (each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase.) Each person may get up to 7 entries, but only the #1 entry is required.
1. Required: Visit Sprig Toys and tell me what great products you want. Also let me know if you have a preference between the dino or the dolphin (though I can't guarantee which one you will receive)
2. Follow MWYT on Twitter
3. Tweet or Retweet about this giveaway:
Enter to win an awesome adventure toy set from Spring Toys during the Celebrate Earth Day All Week 2010 Blogging Event Green Giveaways http://bit.ly/aLZR8n @MWYT @SprigToys
4. Follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog in right margin w/ Google Friend Connect
5. Fan the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog Facebook page in right margin
6. Place my blog button or event button on your blog and leave web address I can visit
7. Blog about this giveaway and include a link, leave web address I can visit
Giveaway Rules:
Open to US only, age 18+ to enter. GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. Congratulations to Terri and Carey!
I love the Story Builders Palace set.
Hard to chooses, son likes both boats and dinosaurs. I Guess I would pick the dinosaur.
I follow you on twitter as OneandOnlyOka
I tweeted
My little boy would flip out if he got his hands on one of their tractors! I love both playsets!
And now a follower of your blog!
Checked out SprigToys, We think the Eco-Trucks are pretty cool.
Both of your giveaways are great, we would pick the dolphin one.
Followed you on twitter (1mom2divas)
Three little pigs story building classic looks great too! Would pick dolphin first but my little boy would love both
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Tweeted the giveaway (1mom2divas)
I'm following your blog :)
I blogged about this giveaway at the end of this post: http://www.mom2divas.com/2010/04/earth-day-2010.html
I like the glider patrol. Either would be fine.
I love the Story Builders Palace set.
dino one is cool!
I like the Sprig Hollow. And I like the Dino the best.
I'm following you on twitter @kathyluman
Tweet: http://twitter.com/kathyluman/status/12419693795
I like the dinosaur set best, but they are both nice. I also like the Dump Truck.
smchester at gmail dot com
I'm following via Google Friends Connect.
I follow you on Google Friend Connect.
smchester at gmail dot com
I'm a facebook fan (Kathy Luman)
I'm now a facebook fan (Jen Skutnick)
I also like the dump truck.
Either would be fine but I'd prefer the dolphin explorer boat.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I like the dump truck and the recycle truck. I'd prefer the dolphin. Thanks for the chance.
I like the Bee and Farm. And, I think we like the Dino the best.
I follow your blog through google friend connect.
I'm a facebook fan.
Donna Hufman Warrington
Princess Pennys Story Building Palace looks great!
I'd think the dino would be great too!
Following on twitter of course!
google follower!
fb fan!
I have your button!
I like Dragonfly's Heli-scooper.
I would prefer to win the boat playset.
I follow you on twitter @dawn408
I like the Eco Loader Dump Truck
I love the dumps trucks and if I won I would love the dino set!
The Dino =D
I also like the Story Building Barnyards.
I follow MWYT on Twitter
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Fan of your Facebook Page.
-Shanna A.
I follow your blog
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I like the Eco Dump Truck and I would choose the Dino set.
i like the Baja Scout also from their site and my choice would be the dolphin thanks
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
main entry:I like the Loader,and i would choice the dino adventure rig
my grandson would like that
thanks for giveway
sherrya1210 at yahoo dot com
My little man would probably like any of SprigToys. But I will say Rally Racer. And he would probably like the dino best.
I am a google friend follower.
I blooged about this event. I am #10 on Mr. Linky
I'm sure Kyle would like the Rally Racer set too. He would enjoy either of these sets. Thank you
I tweeted http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/12435231341
I like the bee and butterflys farm. I would love the dolphin set.
I follow u on twitter. 1amypugmire. amypugmire@live.com
tweeted. amypugmire@live.com
I follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
facebook fan of yours. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
I would like the Loader. The Dino set would be my first choice but the Dolphin set is cute also.
follow on twitter @5memb
tweet http://twitter.com/5memb/status/12450950559
Story Builders is adorable! My son would love the Dino Adventure Rig!
I like the Story Building Barnyard playset. I would choose the dolphin set - although I'd be happy with either!
I'm a twitter follower! @FantasticFind
I really like the Bee and Butterfly's Farm. I do not have a preference if I win. Thanks.
Old Mac's Story Building Barnyard would be a great hit with my kids!So would either of the Dino or Dolphin!
I'm following MWYT on Twitter (maxfate)
I Tweeted (maxfate)
I'm following with Google Connect(maxfate)
scuba set & either would be fine!
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I love the Willie Scuba playset. If I win, I'd prefer the Dolphin set. Thanks!
I follow you on Twitter (@caseycg).
I follow vis GFC.
Love sprig hollow!
Both are perfect for us, no preferences
Thanks for the oppoortunity and go green planet!
just tweeted
I follow on Twitter, I am @coolchillmom
I love the dump truck and the loader and my son would definitely like the dinosaurs the most.
I follow with google friend connect.
I'm a facebook fan.
I love the Barnyard (how clever) and don't have a preference really as my kids will love both.
I love the Three Little Pigs book. My girls would love building the story as we go through it. What a clever idea!
And they chose the Dolphin Explorer Boat. There's not much that they love more than bath time fun. :)
I am also a Twitter Follower! @TheChattyMom
Tweeted this giveaway!
I am also a Google Friend Connect
follower. :)
I like the story building barnyard. I would prefer the dolphin set
mstlee2000 @ hotmail.com
I like the Story Builders palace set.
Thanks for the chance.
I love the Rally Racer and the Scuba Search, If I had a choice I would pick the Dolphin set, thanks!
I Follow MWYT on Twitter @Leenburke
I Follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog via google friend
I'm a Fan of the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog on Facebook (Eileen B)
My son would love the Rally Racer.
I would pick the dino set first but he would love either one.
Following MWYT on Twitter
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Tracy P
Fan on facebook
Tracy P
I like the Dump Truck - my son loves them!! I'd get the Dino for my son. Thanks for the chance!
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you on twitter. (@dkad23)
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
Tweet. (dkad23)
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
I would prefer the dolphin set. From their site I love the story builder palace set.
Ravish30 at aol dot com
I am following you on twitter @Ravish30
Ravish30 at aol dot com
following your fab blog via GFC
Ravish30 at aol dot com
fan over on facebook
Ravish30 at aol dot com
tweet- http://twitter.com/Ravish30/status/12537626885
ravish30 at aol dot com
i love their dump truck also...no preference to win..all sprig stuff is great,
we already have the discover rig!
I love the Story Building Classic/Little Red Riding Hood. dwelchert@yahoo.com
I prefer the dino. dwelchert@yahoo.com
Follow via Google Friend.
Facebook fan. dwelchert@yahoo.com
my grandson would love the loader and the dump truck
folloing mwyt on twitter @Tx_Sweetie
tweet http://twitter.com/Tx_Sweetie/status/12579279608
i'd love the loader eco-truck; i would choose dolphin, but i'd have to check with my boys first should i win!
pretty cool im in
I like the Princess Penny Story Building Palace playsets and Ol' Macs Story Building Barnyard playset.
I would like the dolphin set but the dino set is great too!
I love the storybook palace.
If I were to win, I prefer the Dolphin set but would be grateful for either one.
Follow MWYT on Twitter.
Follow via Google Friend Connect.
Grabbed your button:
I love the Story Build Palce set. Thanks.
I really like the story building palace! My grandbebe girls would get a kick out of it, since they are ALL princesses!!
If I won, my preference would be the Dino set, as both my son and grandbebe boy love dinos, but I'm certain they would like the dolphin set just as much!
I follow on GFC!
A lot to like on the Sprig site! Best is the story builder's set Princess Penny's story-building palace.
Hard to choose, but probably we'd like the dolphin playset the best if we won.
Thanks so much!
leigh_ramsey at hotmail dot com
Hi! Google Friend/Blogger follower of MWYT as LAR1975
Thanks much!
Hi! I "like" MWYT on FB!
: )
Have a great day!
My boys would love their dump truck and I like the dino .
samanthamarshall at verizon dot net
love their Dump Truck - and I'd prefer the Dino one - we have the dolphin one!!
follow blog
twitter follower- kgail11
I like the Baja Scout and the Adventure Guides. My daughter would like the Dolphin Playset.
I'm following MWYT on Twitter @LaDyBuq021708.
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I'm a fan on Facebook.
I like the Eco Trucks-Loader and Dump Truck. Thank you, TMartin26 at aol dot com
I love them both but if I had to choose I would say the dino.
Follow on Google Friend Connect. Thank you, TMartin26 at aol dot com
I like the Bee and Butterfly Farm set. I'd choose the Dino set.
I LOVE the loader & dump trucks that Sprig Toys have on their website.(I've bookmarked the site for birthday gift ideas!!!) My preference is for the Dolphin but either is WONDERFUL!!!!
I don't Twitter :(
I now follow Moms Wear Your Tees Blog w/ Google Friend Connect
I'm now a Fan(LIKE) of the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog Facebook page! :)
I 'shared' this giveaway on my facebook page (Mia Dentice)
Great for the granddaughter
I liked the dump truck and the loader toys. I have no preference on the prizes. Both are great :)
Follower on GFC, thanks again!
I love the loader eco truck!
I follow you on google friend connect!
I love the loader and dump truck eco-trucks and the barnyard story builder.
My nephew would like both the dinosaur and the dolphin one so it doesn't matter which one.
I follow you on twitter.
I tweeted about the giveaway.
I like Bee & Butterfly's Farm
I would choose the Dolphin Explorer Boat
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
The dump truck would be cool to have. If I win I'd like to have the dino set.
I like the eco Dump Truck.
I have no preference. My son would like either one.
I follow on Twitter- @ksh123
I follow your blog.
I love the STory builders!
Would prefer the dolphin
I follow you on twitter
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my son would like the scuba search
google friend
follow you on twitter
I like the Dragonfly’s Heli-Scoopter
& I prefer the Dino.
I like Bee and Butterfly's Farm. I prefer the Dino set.
I love the 3 lil pigs book
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
follow u on the twit
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
google friend
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I like the story building Barnyard
I like both sets so either would be awesome if we won!
apsychmommy at gmail dot com
following you on twitter
following you
I like both of these so there is no preference. Also I liked the dump truck on the sprig site
brdgcombs at aol dot com
follow you on twitter- @bridget3496
brdgcombs at aol dot com
follow you on GFC
brdgcombs at aol dot com
I love the Story Building Palace! I would prefer the dolphin.
I became your Facebook fan.
bee and the farm
my son likes dolphins better
follow you on twitter @majameza
google follower @majameza
I like the Dolphin Boat.
I follow your blog.
I also like dne bugs sand truck. I would pick the dino.
follow on twitter.(donnak4)
I follow your blog.
Story Building Barnyard.
Dino.. I love their faces!
i like the dolphin and i also love the glider patrol
following you on twitter klp1965
Google Friend klp1965
fan on facebook Kathy L Pease
Another product I like is Scuba Search set. I would pick the dinosaur :)
Blog follower
Following you on Twitter (@mandalarctic)
WOW!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!
We received the DINO Adventure Rig today!!!!! My son is playing with as I type!!!! He really seems to be enjoying it!!!! Thanks so much for introducing me to Sprig toys and for this wonderful opportunity!!!!!
Mia (& Charlie)Carey
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